i4C July 22-24, 2022 – TICKETS ON SALE NOW
We’re thrilled to announce that tickets and packages for our complete lineup of i4C events are now available for online purchase. As an i4C insider, we wanted you to know that there are fewer tickets available for some of this year’s events. To avoid disappointment, please consider purchasing your tickets soon.
The global passion, personalities and flavours of this amazing grape live on, and love ON!
Stay in touch and stay cool by signing up for our newsletter for updates, following along on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @coolchardonnay and using the hashtag #i4C22.
Click here to learn about Digging Deep Into Ontario’s Sub-Appellations, showcasing Ontario Chardonnay producers, grape growers and viticulturists.
Please continue to support Ontario VQA wineries and the Grape Growers of Ontario.